Dawg Eat Dawg World
Doesn't this look funny???


[ esca | 5:12 PM | ]

I realize that I have trouble saying no. Well at least amongst friends, its hard for me to say no. I find myself somewhat flustered and grasping for excuses in lieu of saying no.

"Did you want to go backpacking through leech infested waters?"
"Um...well, sounds fun, but I might have to go do something really important during that week."
"But I haven't asked you when yet."
"Oh, but you see, I was just try to anticipate you."
"Oh yes, I love the taste of toe jam."

I vow to get better.


Softball season started for my work league and it feels like summer already. Did ok, and got tagged out while sliding into third base on a play. Sliding is fun. Reminds you of how all those skinned knees used to accumulate when you were a kid.

[ esca | 9:53 AM | ]

A few days ago, on a rather overcast and rainy day, I was having soup and I made a comment about how soup is always better on a rainy day. Perplexed, I phrased it in terms of a question, and the response I received was that maybe it's because soup is warm and soothing, and rain is distressing. Enlightened, I finished the rest of the soup, warm and soothed on a distressing day.

[ esca | 5:27 AM | ]

Its four twenty and its a holiday~~

[ esca | 8:25 AM | ]

Holy Petco

WOWOW. Petco has been infiltrated!! Apparently, some pet lovers have sneaked into one of the "pay and get your logo on a brick" bricks at Petco stating, Break Open Your Cold Ones! Toast The Padres! Enjoy This Championship Organization! Of which, the first letter of eachword spells BOYCOTT PETCO.

So hilarious! I'll try to find it and take a picture...

[ esca | 12:06 AM | ]

Did a lot of stuff this weekend. Played halo. Watched a game at petco(we lost). Watched a playoff game at home(Rockets lost). Played a video game on the big screen(NBA Street 2, we lost 3 times). Played some texas.(Lost 2 dollars) Ate at korea house, sang some tunes. Stuff like that. Took a friend car shopping for a scion and watched in horror as she mistook the blinking red traffic light for something other than "stop."

Had a few interesting convos, like about selfishness. What happens if someone fulfilling a selfish desire helps another? Is that still selfish? And even if i'm helping you, isn't the only reason that I'm helping you boil down to, because I want to?

Places remind you of people even when they aren't around.

[ esca | 10:44 AM | ]

The other day while at D&B with some peeps, a question was raised, on whether or not guys would actually decline to be with a girl if she was fat. One of those, if you take two girls of equal everything except weight, would you as a guy choose the skinnier girl?

The honest answer is really, of course it doesn't matter, but the preference would be away from the weight. How strong of a preference depends on the particular guy. That's all. I think guys might be less likely to initiate conversation with overweight girls...not that they wouldn't be willing or wanting to talk, just less of an inclination.

Other interesting side hypotheticals spawned from the original question...

Would you date a girl who was skinny, but all her family members were overweight?
Would you date a girl who was skinny, but is gradually gaining weight over the course of the relationship?
Would you date a girl who was overweight, but is now skinny?
Would you date a girl who is overweight, but used to be skinny?
Do you think girls that walk around D&B are really looking to play video games?

*Note that this conversation was initiated by a girl.*
**Note last question not really related but an interesting one nonetheless**

[ esca | 1:14 PM | ]

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

I was reading the baseballprospectus website when I came across this line and proceeded to crack up like a madman. Funny stuff.


I was at Vons yesterday, doing some shopping and I picked up a case of coronas. No limes however. Of course the checkout girl carded me. But being the dastardly person that I am, I ask her how old do I look? Just as a conversation piece, and because I am curious. Plus she was kinda cute, older, but cute. So she started off explaining a couple of things and then saying something to the extent of

...you asian people tend to age better than us Americans...

Ooooh. That didn't come off right. Well, at least I don't think it bothered me, or shouldn't really, but at the moment I felt an internal cringe. A wincing type cringe...that's all. People think that way? Shit, I'm going to be carded for the rest of my life.

Or I mean, you know...whatevers.

But hey, maybe that means I'm exotic. I think that's points right? Youthful exotic. Go pimpster.

[ esca | 10:19 AM | ]

Let it be recorded that as of 4/5/04, with a stunning record of 1-0, the Padres ascend into their natural birthright, as division leaders of the NL West. Speaking of which, I got a pair of free tickets for the 27th, if anyone wants to go.

[ esca | 4:59 PM | ]

It is difficult sometimes to lead a balanced life, but it is moreover difficult to experience an unbalanced life. And thus is the conundrum that haunts me. I find it difficult to avoid experiencing difficulty.

I woke up this morning really not wanting to go to work. It wasn't in my blood. I couldn't shake off that groggy uncooperative feeling. I ended up snoozing for over an hour, and in my devious subconscious mind, wrote it off as being ok, well because, its monday, and I'm allowed to show up a little late anyways, and more importantly, it was daylight savings weekend. I could always just pass it off as I forgot to set my clock...

As I was walking to my car, I felt like catching a train to montauk. Except I'm a coast too far. I've actually been there once, ironically. I ended up watching ESOTSM again with Frank as he was on break. Makes me imagine then whenever I wake up feeling "in a funk" that it's because I've erased someone from my memory and I'm just some tragically sad person. Tragic, yes, tragic.

[ esca | 10:01 AM | ]

A chameleon is an interesting creature, one that relies on stealth and guile to move around its environs. Whether to hide from its predators or to stalk its prey, it adapts the color of its skin to blend into its surroundings. This however, is not a unique or unusual occurrence. Even creatures with the brute strength of a lion have a mane and fine coat to blend unseen into the savannah grass. Its just our chameleon has the versatility to be a traveler of many environments.

One must wonder then, if there might be more than meets the eye for the creature that literally falls out from under our eyes, some reason for being. Can a chameleon spot its own kind, perhaps some special sensory wavelength that only they can detect? Is there an environment that it truly calls its home? Or does it change itself out of an inner desire to metamorph, to draw from what it lacks?

Does it lack a true identity, a pigmentation given by mother nature in its pale translucent. A shadow without its caster, a mirror without its reflector, an echo without its voice.

I can be anything you want. Let me please be anything you want.

[ esca | 9:59 AM | ]

Dawg Pound






