Sophmore Year

So sophmore year began and this time I had picked a much better place to live, at West Quad (right next to the pool room). Greg, Louis and I had luckily gotten an apartment dorm and had a nice sized place with two rooms and our own bathroom. This basically meant that we didn't have to associate with the commoners in the bathroom and so over the course of the year, i didn't even meet anyone in our hall. No big loss really.

I moved in late as usual (i usually take off the earliest in April and arrive the latest in August to extend my time in San Diego) which meant Greg and Louis spent many an hour installing our carpet and organizing the furniture. They shared a bunk in the smaller inside room and my bed was used as a coach from which to watch our 13" tv and play video games. We also got some bean bags that promptly deflated in about a week. I didn't have a usable desk because they figured i would never study there anyway, which was fine with me.

I was really excited about sophmore year because this time i would know the campus, have some status (yeah right), and know what i was all about. I had friends too, much different from the beginning of freshman year.

The first new person i met after moving in was Brian, who lived right downstairs and happened to have a mutual friend with Greg back at home. We ate at West Quad and of course, "the voice" shocked me.

That weekend, we went to the CCF mass meeting and saw all the old people and met tons of new people. The influx of freshman at these initial CCF meetings is amazing. I remember leading the West Quad/ South Quad side in some ice-breaker game where we did the moves from the Men In Black video. I also remember meeting Leslie at the meeting and also two girls with hyphenated names next to her (Je-Yi and Jong-Ju) whose names I didn't remember at first (sorry).

That night we went to the asian dance at the Union and we bopped around until i ran into Hongshin. I had sorta known Hong from San Diego (mutual friend plus i went to prom with his girlfriend's best friend) but i didn't really expect to see him much at Michigan. Did that prediction turn out to be completely wrong. After the dance, alot of us went to Pancheros to eat and then back to West Quad to hang out.

Our small dorm room was consistently filled up with people that year. We had people hanging out till all hours of the nite and into the morning. We gave our room the moniker Club 123 (we lived in 123 Adams) because we crammed so many people in there.

Mainly, we sat around doing nothing, singing songs, playing games, talking, skipping class. The CCF freshmen class that year was full of cool and interesting people (Leslie, Je-Yi, Karina, <Karina i met during birthday announcements for CCF because her and Je-Yi had bdays two days apart from me> Jong-Ju, Karen, Vivian, Melissa, Gerald, Victor, Rich, Justin, Andy...) and we told them to come over whenever possible. I also started hanging out with Hong and Brian alot (they met at a class) and we in turn hung out with Heather and Kristina in South Quad.


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